Pour combler le vide créé par la pandémie, l’Australian Carbon Society met en place une série de webinaires sur le carbone. L’idée est d’organiser tous les quinze jours un séminaire (d’une durée totale d’une heure, questions comprises) qui puisse rassembler la communauté mondiale du carbone en cette période de restrictions des déplacements. Nous alternerons entre deux créneaux horaires, et le modèle du programme peut être consulté à l’adresse suivante :


La première conférence aura lieu le 31 mai et célébrera les contributions scientifiques de feu le professeur Francisco Rodríguez-Reinoso, présentées par le professeur Tascon. Nous serions très heureux si vous pouviez distribuer le flyer ci-joint à vos réseaux.

Les détails des webinaires suivants seront publiés sur le site web au fur et à mesure de leur confirmation


Professor Francisco (Paco) Rodríguez–Reinoso (1941-2020) has been an outstanding and influential scientist. Many of his research subjects fell within the area of surface science and technology of carbon and ceramic materials, with specific interests in: a) Activated carbon; b) Carbon molecular sieves; c) Nanostructured carbons for gas storage; d) Nanostructured carbons for energy storage; e) Mesoporous carbons and carbon foams; f) Carbon–supported catalysts; g) Isotropic graphite; h) Carbon–ceramic and carbon–metal composites; i) Structural ceramics; j) Ceramicceramic and ceramic–metal composites; and k) Nanomaterials for biomedicine. We review, following a chronological order, his most outstanding scientific achievements as well as his contributions to the development of the international carbon community.


Professor Juan M. D. Tascón graduated in Chemistry from University of Oviedo, Spain and in 1981 received a Doctor degree from Complutense University, Madrid. With the exception of four years of postdoctoral work either in Belgium (Univ. of Louvain, with Prof. B. Delmon) or in the USA (New York University, with Prof. M.J.D. Low) he has spent his entire career at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), first at the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry (Madrid), and, from 1985 on, at the Institute of Carbon Science and Technology (Oviedo), where he was Director in 2011-15. His work has been mainly focused on the surface properties of carbon materials such as carbon fibers, activated carbons and graphene, plus some recent interest in the history of science. He has published over 290 papers in refereed journals and has edited three books. Juan is an editor of Carbon since 2012 and serves as well in the advisory editorial boards of six other journals.